Sewer Bore
Kensington Tower
A Sobering Job of Self-Reflection and Honor: The Kensington Tower Sewer Bore
In the heart of Salt Lake City on State Street and 200 South, Nix Construction was called on by Jones Excavating to accurately install 166 LF of steel casing and a 15” diameter sewer line 20 feet deep for the new Kensington Tower project. Because UDOT would not allow open cut installation through State Street, Team Nix utilized their knowledge and tools to successfully execute a short bore in the middle of downtown.
As Team Nix worked this job, they had opportunity to appreciate their own lives. Working in the wee morning hours of Salt Lake’s bitter cold winter months, the team witnessed the reality of homelessness, drug abuse, and destitution in the valley. Our guys took these moments to reflect and honor their own lives and how blessed they are to have something as simple as a warm meal and bed each night.
This recognition of basic privilege inspired our crew to work hard and fast through the intense cold. Although the underground space was extremely tight and complex due to over-hanging utilities above the Nix equipment, Team Nix navigated the situation with finesse and expertise. To assist with crossing all the utilities, our team suggested using a larger casing, and dropping the elevation of the bore. By doing this, Nix Construction was able to bore safely below. The carrier pipe inside the casing was installed at the design grade utilizing graded spacers, which saved us time and Jones Excavating money. To decrease concrete use by 97%, the Nix team decided to employ high strength concrete for our equipment thrust block. Jones Excavating was so impressed with our innovative, clever, and cost and time efficient choices, they offered Nix Construction a master agreement to work on multiple projects with them in the future. We are thrilled and honored to work with Jones Excavating again!
This project benefitted Team Nix by allowing our guys, in personal retrospect, to view and exercise Nix Construction’s values; safety, communication, innovation, honor, and strength for the job. We are not only proud of our team for completing this job quickly and expertly, but also for their ability to recognize not all people have opportunity to work and live comfortably. If you would like to help with the humanitarian crisis in the Salt Lake Valley, please consider donating to the Catholic Community Services. CCS helps feed, house, and take care of the homeless and refugees along the Wasatch Front.
Tunnel Specifications
36” steel casing, 15” PVC carrier pipe
166 LF, 20 feet deep
Compact sand with cobble
Steering Head
Tight, busy conditions